38/f c/o facial puffiness, weight gain and purple striae

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

38 yr old female came with complains of facial puffiness since 2 months

Shortness of breath since 1 month

Weight gain since 4 months

Patient was apparently alright 4 months ago then she development erythematous lesions all over the body for which she used medication for 1month from outside hospital following which the lesions subsided

Pt c/o increased appetite since 4 months and unintentional weight gain since 4 months

Pt c/o facial puffiness and swelling all over the body

C/o shortness of breath since 1 month which aggravated on less than ordinary activity relieved on rest. Orthopnea + pnd+

Associated withb/l pedal edema pitting type upto knees since 2 months

No c/o chest pain palpitations, profuse  sweating

C/o dark color strech marks over the abdomen and over the axilla since 1 month

C/o urgency, hesitancy and dribbling of urine since 1 week

C/o erythematous lesions over the groin since 1 week associated with burning micturation

K/c/o hypothyroidism since 1 year on T thyronom 25 mg po od

Not taking medication since 2 days

Not a k/c/o htn, cva, cad, tb, asthma, sepsis

Menstrual history


Age of menarche 13 yrs

3 to 4 days / 28 to 30 days regular cycle

2 to 3 pads per day, not associated with pain and clots

Marital history

Married at 22 yrs, non consanguineous marriage

Obstetric history

1st preg conceived spontaneously 2 yrs after marriage FTLSCS i/v/o malpresentation

17 yrs male 4 kgs alive and healthy

 2nd pregnancy conceived spontaneously immediately after last child birth, ftlscs I/v/o NPOL, 16 YRS, male 2.5 kgs alive and healthy

Daily routine

General examination

Pt is c/c/c

No Pallor icterus clubbing

On examination

Gynecology opnion was taken on 19/1/24


Pt is obese( central obesity +) 

Facial puffiness present

Purple striae present over abdomen and axillae

Erythematous ptechiae present all  over the body

B/l pitting edema present below knee  

Facial chloasma present

Abdominal examination

P/a  soft, non tender, obese abdominal wall, purple steriae of 1 cm breadth present all over the abdomen

Below umbilical Midline vertical scar present scar healthy

P/s vault clear watery discharge seen , healthy

Vagina  dry

BME vault intact b/l fornices free

Endocrine referal done on 19/1/24

Derma referal was done on 19/1/24 i/v/o? Crushing syndrome

C/o painful skin lesions over b/l arms, b/l legs ,chest, abdomen since 2 1/2 months( initially on arms followed on legs) 

C/o itchy skin lesions over genitals since 6 months

C/o fever on and off since 2 months c/o burning micturation since 20 days

H/0 intake of new oral medication prior to onset of petechiae(documentation not available) 

O/E multiple well defined pin point petechiae (blanchable) notes over b/l upper and lower linbs

Multiple erythematous striae noted  over labia major

Adviced: BT, CT, fbs, plbs, swab for vaginal discharge

Provisional diagnosis

 purpura for evaluation, vulvo vaginal candidiasis, striae rubra

Urology referal done on 19/1/24 i/v/o dribbling, urgency, hesitancy of urine

Dysuria  since 1 1/2 month

Dribbling of urine +

Freq/nocturia :3-4/1-2 times

Poor stream+

Occasional urge incontinence +

Stress incontinence +

Sense of incomplete evacuation +

O/E vulvo vaginitis+

No evidence of stress incontinence

Urethra dilated upto 9 hegar


Obg opnion

Usg kub with pvr

Speculum examination

Review with reports and gyn opnion to urology department

Gynecology opnion was taken on 19/1/24


Pt is obese( central obesity +) 

Facial puffiness +

Purple striae present over abdomen and axillae

Erythematous patchee present all  over the body

B/l pitting edema present below knee (grade 2) 

Facial chloasma present

Per abdomen :

soft nontender, obese abdominal wall, purple steriae of 1 cm breadth present all over the abdomen

Below umbilical Midline vertical scar present scar healthy

Per speculum examination:

 vault: clear watery discharge seen , healthy

Vagina:  dry

BME (bimanual examination):

vault intact

 b/l fornices free

Advice fbs, plbs, hba1c urine for culture and sensitivity, hvs and review with reports

Clingen per vaginal hs od for 7 days

Patient was complain of itchy lesions on right hand

Derma referal was done in view of lesions

C/0 itchy burning skin lesions over right hand since one day

No h/o insect bite, tropical applied

Generalized itching all over the body

O/E multiple Erythematous papules noted over rt forearm near to wrist

Echymosis noted over b/l forearms

Provisional diagnosis

Vulvovaginal candidiasis +striae rubrum + steroid induced purpura +irritant contact dermatitis + tinea corporis +echymosis


Lulifin cream local application for 1 week

Tab teczine 5 mg od for 1 week

Liquid paraffin local application bd for 2 weeks

Electronic summary


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